Choosing The Right Colour Quartz Worktop For Your Kitchen
Quartz worktops are engineered which means that they are manufactured from natural both stone and resin. Although our worktops are predominantly made from quartz, the addition of the resin allows them to be more durable and suited to kitchen settings. Equally, they are engineered to be non-porous and create an attractive countertop finish.
This is why so many people now choose quartz for their kitchens, of course. High-quality quartz creates an elegant shimmer in more than one colour tone. However, some people find choosing which colours will be best for their quartz worktops a difficult to assess. Thankfully, you don’t need to be a qualified interior designer to make great colour choices for quartz worktops. Here’s what you need to know.
Opt For Complementary Tones
Because quartz is a durable and scratch-resistant material, you should expect to last a long time in your kitchen. Therefore, you could choose your favourite colour for your worktop and build the rest of the kitchen’s colour palette – for example, in the wall coverings and cabinets doors – around the work surface.
There is certainly nothing wrong with this approach to achieving complementary tones. However, most people will want to have quartz worktops fitted that complement their current décor.
In order to do this, look carefully at the undertone of the quartz worktop you are considering. It is the flecks of grey, silver and other hues that will make all the difference in bringing the overall look together. Some will have a cooler, bluish appearance whereas others will evoke more earthy tones.
It is important to remember that what you are looking at here is the colour detailing of the worktop, not the main colour. Most interior designers would refer to colour matching in this way as producing tone-on-tone combinations.
As such, your chosen quartz worktop could create an immediate impression of contrast but the details will pick up the other colours you have in your kitchen, thereby coordinating the look. Indeed, because quartz will often feature multiple colours – not just one or two – this method is a great way of unifying a colour palette that would otherwise be too diverse.
Given that many people now have two or more colours for their kitchen cabinets, the judicious choice of a quartz worktop with the right undertones can bring even these disparate elements together neatly.

Handling Monotone Colour Schemes
Not every kitchen has lots of colour. Some people prefer the minimalist appearance of just one colour instead. In kitchens like these, quartz worktops will still look great. If you have pure white kitchen cabinets, for example, then you can probably choose any colour of quartz worktop that you like and it will work.
On the other hand, if you have dark wood veneers for your cupboard doors, then richer tones are likely to be more effective. Try a sample of quartz with green and grey undertones for a deeply contrasting effect. Kitchens which feature lots of brushed stainless steel will suit even bolder colour choices. The sky’s the limit with these sorts of styles.
Contact Us Today
If you’re interested in our high-quality quartz worktops and would like more information, then feel free to contact us today on 01787 844 663.
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